Linked Data & Relational Databases: Grounded Knowledge


The project "Conveying, Connecting, and Preserving Grounded Knowledge" of the Faculty of Philosophy and History is a collaboration between four institutes: the Institute for Theater Studies (Swiss Theater and Dance Encyclopedia), the Institute for Musicology (Swiss Music Encyclopedia), the Institute for Archaeological Sciences (Digital Sumerian Lexicon), and the Historical Institute (Repetorium Academicum). Within the scope of this project, four databases originating from humanities research are being analyzed and modeled for subsequent availability to researchers and the general public.

Courses on the subject of data modeling and data generation, with a focus on databases, are offered to students. For projects, a sustainable infrastructure for similar humanities approaches is being created, ideally based on Linked Data principles and emphasizing high data connectivity.


 Lead Researcher: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Portmann and Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel, Early PostDoc: Dr. des. Katarzyna Langenegger

The project "Conveying, Connecting, and Preserving Grounded Knowledge" is funded by the Digitalization Commission of the University of Bern (DigiK).